Sunday, November 30, 2008

Coming out with it all...

This blog has been created to record a personal journey. 

Today completes week three of a focused effort to train for a natural body building competition in May of 2009. I am not on this journey alone. I am training under the guidance of a benevolent, and kick-ass personal trainer, Tina, who won many titles in the these competitions several years ago. 

I am 43 years old and an unlikely candidate for a body building competition. Until recently I have not been a fit individual. I have carried an extra 30 plus pounds for most of my adult life. I have a background of working out without a goal and of eating based on my cravings. Needless to say, I've never seen much change in myself physically, and actually believed I was one of those individuals whose body was hopeless--immune to exercise and diet. In truth, I working out half-heartedly and blaming genetics.

Compounding my self-image, is a history of spending useless energy wishing for things I don't believe I can ever actually have--of placing desires high enough on a mental shelf that I can gaze at them, but never have them. Turning forty can have an energizing effect on a gal. I found myself sick and tired of that shelf being out of my arms' reach. 

At age 41, I learned how to weight lift, regimented my runnning, started eating better, and shaved off about 25 pounds. Eventually I bought the little gym in which I workout. 

Now I have decided it is time to raise the bar.  

I have figured out that accomplishing any significant change in life requires three elements: a clearly defined goal with deadlines, a constant effort to keep out the negative thoughts, and a willingness to let others in to help you. The first requirement is significantly easier than the second two.   

For the last three weeks I have stayed pretty quiet about what I am doing, telling only my mom, my husband, and a few very close friends. Then Thanksgiving came, and visiting family who questioned why I was eating with such care. I spilled the beans about my plans, and rather than ridicule, I got lots of encouragement. This blog is my coming out. If I make it, if I fail, I will do it with friends and family behind me. 

This shift in my attitude has not lessened the grade of this hill I am climbing. It is Sunday morning and I am scheduled to work on abs and run 5 miles. I am feeling so very unmotivated. Usually I look forward to my run days. They are therapeutic and provide me with a sense of accomplishment. This morning though, it is after 8 AM, I am on my second cup of coffee (sans the half and half that used to make it delicious), and I have no intention of changing into workout clothes as of now. Let's hope that magic, prodding little fairy comes along and lifts me out of this comfortable chair soon. 


noonegivesahoot said...

Wow!! I'm so proud of you! Know that you have my encouragement and faith in you, even if we don't get to keep up with each other as much as we'd both like - I'm thinking about you from Burbank! You're awesome and an inspiration!!!

Lolalop said...

Kath...Those days R-Blading up Keller were some of the best and most memorable fitness days I can remember. I so wish I could be doing this with you! Push on through! I know you can do it!!!

taylo135 said...

im glad you came out. haha. i accept your lifestyle. =P
no but really i am glad, i was sick of keeping it a secret that i knew. your doing wonderful. from the first time you walked into the gym inquiring about personal training, to now, i mean damn, you have come such a long way. aw. i am proud of my 2nd mother.